Digital Art

Coastal Geometry

2017, Illustrator

As the pedestrians pass by the coast, the sky grew darker, casting the muted clouds throughout the land. Everything's lifeless and almost empty. Only humans scavenge what is left in the area. I feel the resonance of the soothing, cloudy shores when I took a picture at that sidewalk before using Illustrator. Reflecting the scene with vector art gives this haziness like a fog that blankets the memory like a translucent curtain.

Glitched Arctic Wolf

2017, Photoshop

Wolves are known for their almight power but sometimes there are lone wolves who are left to survive for themselves. By isolation, their social behavior changes, corrupted and displacing their lone wolf's true form.

Tom the Enhancer Bunny

2020, Clip Studio Paint

"His free-spirited nature allows him to jump over mountains and across miles of land. Some may say he can jump over the moon..." The extroverted personality, fearless and exhilerating, is but another persona to cope or become a placeholder identity to the community.

Curiousity and Bewildered

2020, Clip Studio Paint

I have two puppies that always get onto my legs and even on my chest, craving for attention while I rest from work. Sometimes they can be slobbery and sometimes their eyes stare deep into my soul like they are magicians, priests, or other spiritual beings. I find humanity from my pups and translate it to a pop-cultured, anime-styled hybrid animal.

Video Art

Through the Eyes of the Blind

Link to Youtube

2019, 2:35 Minutes

As technology improves rapidly, people heavily relies on the state-of-the-art, electronic tools that makes their jobs easier or more effiecient. However, technology, specifically the internet, have caused negative effects like ADHD, depression, and other mental issues. One of the best way is to retract from digital media and expose yourself to nature. Contrary to people's expectation, it takes time for them to be mentally refreshed unlike clicking the refresh button on your internet browser. Throught the Eyes of the Blind explores how digital media can disturb and distract a person from experiencing tranquility as the sounds and visuals become distorted and fuzzy from our modern life.
The images shown above is a simulation of what the installation look like. One video is shown inside the tent and the other is projected outside the tent.

Single Player

Link to Youtube

2019, 4:10 Minutes

Single Player is the first video project in Art 75 and is a self-performance that is inspired by Pixar's Geri's Game . I took a darker tone and establish how lonliness, depression, and anxiety can affect a person. While it does resonate the problem introverts tend to struggle, I am not saying this is applied to all them. There are some who are suffering through it and it is unhealthy to allow them to cope alone for a long period of time.


Mobius Mollusk

2019, Hanging Ornament, Watercolor Paper, Pen, Sea Shells, Micro-USB and Apple duo connector, 4" x 4" x 5"

Hundreds and thousands of newborns exist in the world, filled with potential that they hope they become worthy to their civilization. As they hit adulthood, their opportunities are being gambled by society and only a small portion are able to succeed for their careers, dreams, and jobs. The rest continue to develop their skills and talents and wait for their next opportunity to arrive. The cycle of self-expression starts to transform into a twisted loop, becoming one-way as people sacrifice their personal space to desperately devote themselves to business.

Untitled Title

2019, White Wooden Panel, Printer Paper, Watercolor, Blood, Coffee, Magazine, Colored Pencil, Pen, Marker, 1'4" x 1'2" x 1"

Over 7.8 billion humans live in on Earth and a majority of them are creators, artists, and performers. A small portion of those creators are recognized for their genius and creativity while the others are left striving for hoping their crafts and work become a success in their lives. My piece is a love letter to the forgotten or unrecognized artists who struggled hardships and trauma, unwilling and unfortunate to show their art to their audience.


Tom the Bunny

Link to Interactive Avatar

2020, JavaScript, p5.js, Interactive, Web-based

When have a presence in the virtual world and while there are some who show their real-selves to the internet, a majority uses avatars to characterize their online personality. For me, animals are more affectionate and relatable to our state of disbelief and our escapism. Tom the Bunny is a representation of who I am but also a different persona. I am interactable but I want to share my love and embrace acceptance without a hint of negativity.

Combination Superpower

Link to Interactive Randomizor

2020, JavaScript, p5.js, Interactive, Web-based

I like to ponder about human capabilities and how we can put them into use into our environment. What if we can memorize words with a look and bring them to life whenever wewant? How about cooking food in literally a second and for every entree created, a room in yourhouse will magically become cleaned? The childish curiosity and exploratory word play helpsenlighten what basic creativity and imagination can take us from any age.

Tranquility Beach

Link to Interactive Randomizor

2020, JavaScript, p5.js, Interactive, Web-based

We rely on technology to help us communicate during the pandemic but despite the time to go out and get some fresh air, we remained trapped in our house and fully ingrained to our devices. Combining inspirations from Asian prayer temples and messages in a bottle from the sea, I created this to help communicate throughout the virtual world.

Video Games

A Basic Cat Platformer

2019, Unity

A simple platformer cat game. I am credited for programming and level design for the first level.

Link to "Basic Cat Platformer"

EternaLore: Ferocious Beasts and Devious Artists (Alpha Version)

2019, Unity

My very own game that is currently in its alpha build. This game is a bullet-hell, top-down shooter that explores trauma and how lethal it is if left unchecked. The game will be revamped soon.

Link to "EternaLore: Ferocious Beasts and Devious Artists"